DateTimeSessionFaculty/HostsLinkMeeting IDPasscode
Monday, March 14, 202210:00 AM - 10:20 AM DSTWelcome!Jun Yang (Chair), Kamesh Munagala (Assoc. Chair),
Jeff Chase (DGS)
Zoom954 6538 0334994058
Monday, March 14, 202210:20 AM - 11:00 AM DSTGraduate Student PanelStudentsZoom954 6538 0334994058
Monday, March 14, 202211:00 AM - 12:00 PM DSTSocial on
Tuesday, March 15, 20229:30 AM - 11:00 AM DSTSystems and SecurityMatthew Lentz, Kartik Nayak, Mike Reiter, Fan Zhang,
Neil Gong, Jeff Chase, Danyang Zhuo, Alvin Lebeck,
Lisa Wu Wills, Sudeepa Roy, and current students
Zoom989 262 08543
Tuesday, March 15, 202210:00 AM - 11:00 AM DSTCS Theory at DukeAgarwal, Fain, Ge, Munagala, Panigrahi, Reif, Rossman
and current Theory students
Zoom636 187 1262
Wednesday, March 16, 202210:00 AM - 11:00 AM DSTCRA-WP PanelKelsey Lieberman and studentsZoom963 0496 2768505913
Wednesday, March 16, 202211:00 AM - 12:00 PM DSTAI and Computation in BiologyBruce Donald, Raluca Gordan, Alex Hartemink, and
Alberto Bartesaghi
Zoom991 6728 4087846017
Thursday, March 17, 202210:00 AM - 11:00 AM DSTNLP at DukeSam Wiseman / Bhuwan DhingraZoom934 3572 8656None
Thursday, March 17, 202211:00 AM - 11:30 AM DSTInterpretable Machine Learning
Lab @ Duke
Cynthia RudinZoom961 8071 8686849101


Prospective graduate student participants: Did you attend the 2021 Virtual Visit event activites? If so, please complete this 5 Minute Survey: Duke CS 2022 Virtual Visit Event – all responses are anonymous. Your answers will help improve this event for next time! Thank you.