graduate student achievements

Graduate Fellowships

Google Graduate Fellowship: Yuan Deng

DOD NDSEG Fellowship: Barrett Ames

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship: Vikram Aikat

Facebook PhD Fellowship: David Pujol

Graduate Fellowships

RECENT Placements

Post-doctoral associates and graduating PhDs who accepted faculty positions:

Michael Albert:


Hsien-Chih Chang:


Chaofan Chen:

U Maine

Yu Cheng:

UI Chicago

Rupert Freeman:


Amir Gilad:

Hebrew Univ.

Xi He:

U Waterloo

Xiao Hu:

Simon Fraser Univ.

Nathan Kell:

Denison Univ.

Marco Morucci:


Tianyu Wang:

Fudan Univ.

Seyed Zahedi:

U Waterloo

Many Duke Master’s and PhD graduates also opt for careers in industry. Recent industry placements include: Airbnb, Amazon, Cisco, Facebook, Ford Motor Company, Google,, Microsoft, Net App, Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, and more!



Duke CS PhD David Kotz was recently named provost at Dartmouth College, where he had been serving as interim provost. In addition to his administrative expertise, Kotz has published over 200 reviewed scientific research papers. He received an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth in computer science and physics, and has worked at Dartmouth since 1991.

Bing Zie Wins 2021 IEEE-CS TCHPC Award

Dr. Bing Xie, Duke CS PhD ’17 (advisor Professor Jeff Chase) was selected by the IEEE Computer Society as a winner of the IEEE-CS Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) Early Career Researchers Award for Excellence in High Performance Computing (HPC). This award recognizes her outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting HPC contributions.

Tianyu Wang Wins INFORMS 2021 Best Paper Finalist Award

Congratulations to Tianyu Wang and Cynthia Rudin, whose paper on multi-armed bandits for fair allocation won a Best Paper Finalist Award in the INFORMS 2021 Data Mining Best Paper Competition’s General Track. Wang received his PhD at Duke in CS, and now teaches at Fudan University. Rudin is a Duke CS, ECE, Math, Statistics, and Biostats Professor.

Lirong Xia Publishes Book on AI and ML

Lirong Xia, Duke CS PhD ’11, Economics MA ’10 and now associate CS professor at RPI, published a book entitled Learning and Decision-Making from Rank Data as part of Mongan & Claypool’s Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Yuan Deng WINS Victor Lesser Dissertation Award honorable mention

Duke CS PhD Yuan Deng won an honorable mention for the 2020 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award. The AAMAS recognizes his thesis “Dynamic Mechanism Design in Complex Environments” for its originality, depth, impact, and written quality. Dr. Deng is now a Research Scientist in the Market Algorithms Group at Google Research in New York City.

Amit Bagga is AI & Discovery VP at Comcast

Amit Bagga’s career journey took him from Duke Comp Sci PhD student to Vice President of AI & Discovery at Comcast. While at Duke, he enjoyed the diversity, flexibility and freedom to explore programs before deciding on a PhD topic. Bagga’s management skills like effective communication, trust, and empowerment were modeled by his advisor and former Duke CS Chair, Alan Biermann.